Adding a user to a single chatroom

You can add a user to a Private or Premium Chatroom by adding the username to the chatroom's members list. Navigate to Dashboard → Chatrooms → #Chatroom Name → Properties and then click on the Chatrooms Members tab.

Adding a user to multiple chatrooms

There is also a quick way to add a user to multiple Private or Premium chatrooms in one go. To do so, create a custom role first and then add this role into the Permissions of the chatrooms you want to give access to.

Navigate to Dashboard → Roles & Permissions to create the New Role:

Then, navigate to Dashboard → Chatrooms → #Chatroom Name → Properties → Permissions  to add the Role to the chatroom.

And, finally, add the user to the Role you have created. The user will be granted the Role's permissions across all the chatrooms that the specific Role is assigned to.